It seems obvious... I'm going to an event with many prospects.. Better hand out as many business cards as I can! It's what everyone does, and it works.... right??....
It may seem counter intuitive to leave yourself vulnerable in an environment where you will be potentially bumping into future clients with no trusty business cards on hand. But its not- and here is why.
It does not matter if anyone has your contact information. You need theirs.
Let's just be honest for a second. Even if you have the freshest card that you photoshopped the hell out of all by yourself and printed out at staples, the chances of someone going through the process of sorting through hundreds of cards, choosing yours, then transcribing the small print of your long domain that leads to your website and giving you a call saying "Hey I would love to work with you" - is none.
Here are some options that work:
- If you meet someone you would like to build a relationship with or work with in the future: Say you just handed out your last card and ask for their phone number-- let them know you will give them a call within the next few days. Nine out of 10 times they will give it to you.
- Always try to get an email address to which you can send your online portfolio.
- From the money you save by not printing out business cards- get creative with unique, more memorable leave behinds such as a branded flash drive-- or spend it on online advertising to build your brand.
As entrepreneurs, businesses owners, and freelancers, we rely on our past work to get more work. In my case, the most powerful tool I have to sell my service is my website. When I am networking at an event, I make sure each prospect I meet will be browsing my website the next day.
Remember to keep the ball in your court when dealing with potential future clients or people you would like to build relationships with in the future. You should never have the excuse that you gave someone your card, but they never called back.
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